Check out these photos from today’s Paragraph IV Disputes Conference.
- Welcome to ACI’s 2017 Pagraph IV Disputes in NYC’s Conrad Hotel #ACIPIV
- Thank You to Our Paragraph IV Disputes Sponsors! #ACIPIV
- Meet the Team Behind ACI’s Paragraph IV Disputes – Stephanie Butler, Division Manager, Xiu Chen, Senior Team Lead of the Conference Coordination, Esther Fleischhacker, Senior Bus. Development Executive, Lisa J. Piccolo, Senior Industry Manager, and Linda Lam, Senior Marketing Manager
- Packed house at ACI’s #ParagraphIVDisputes conference this morning! #ThankYou to our Co-Chairs and sponsors
- ACI’s 2017 Paragraph IV Disputes
- Dynamic ACI #ParagraphIV Disputes Session: “The Politics and Policy of Pharmaceutical Patents in the New Administration: Town Hall” this morning. #HatchWaxman