Watch a Session
View from the Relator’s Bar: How to Avoid Turning Your Employees into Whistleblowers
Pamela Coyle Brecht
Pitetragallo Gordon Alfano Bosick & Raspanti, LLP

Renée Brooker
Tycko & Zavareei LLP

Russell D. Paul
Berger Montague
Session highlights:
- Studying strategies for seeking the government’s intervention and dealing with government declination:
- How to present a strong case
- When to assist the government’s investigation
- Deciding when to file and knowing what factors to consider when bringing a claim
- Figuring out what to do when the government declines and learning how the government can help in a declined case (obtaining information and statements of interest/amicus briefs)
- Considering when relators go it alone
- Resolving why more relators are pursuing declined cases
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