The National Summit on Training, Modeling & Simulation is dedicated to tackling the crucial task of effectively and efficiently training and preparing warfighters for the intricate threat landscapes of future conflicts. With the challenges of replicating future operating environments in real-world exercises growing in difficulty, cost, and risk, military services are shifting their training focus towards harnessing the capabilities of modeling, simulation, and virtual training. These technologies offer realistic replication of multi-domain battle scenarios, vital for preparing soldiers for the complexities they’ll face on the battlefield.

Topics the Summit will Cover Include:

  • Strategizing Multi-Domain Warfare Training: Identifying Essential Training Requirements
  • Next-Generation User Interface Advancements: Exploring VR, AR/MR, and Simulation Enhancements
  • Fostering the Content Ecosystem: Models and Interfaces for Seamless Integration
  • Synthetic Training for Intense Operations: Innovations in High-Intensity Operation Simulation

About the Defense & National Security Summits Portfolio

ACI’s Series of Defense Events provides a unique opportunity for professionals to learn from experienced military and defense leaders, strategists, and experts, to gain insight into the latest advancements and challenges currently facing the military. Our summits are curated with an aim to provide a platform for experts to engage in meaningful discussions and share their valuable insights and experiences. Through keynote presentations, panel discussions, and interactive workshops, our events will provide attendees with a deep understanding of the strategic thinking required to navigate today’s complex global security environments. Whether you are military personnel, technology company, government agency, and academic institution, attending an ACI event is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable insights, build professional relationships, and shape the future of defense and military capabilities.

About ACI

Celebrating 40 Years | 1983 - 2023 | C5 Group Inc.

For over 40 years in the conference industry, ACI has established itself as a leading conference organizer delivering over 100 events annually. Our conferences are designed to bring together military and defense professionals from around the world to share insights, strategies, and best practices for enhancing national security and defense capabilities. We pride ourselves on providing a highly interactive and collaborative environment that fosters innovation, knowledge-sharing, capability advancement, and the establishment of longstanding partnerships between military personnel, government agencies, and industry.

Our Mission

At ACI, we understand the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the ever-evolving world of defense and military. Our conferences are curated with an aim to provide a unique platform for experts to engage in meaningful discussions, advance their modernization efforts, share valuable insights, and establish partnerships to achieve strategic and operational requirements.