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Day 1
December 3, 2024
Registration and Continental Breakfast
Building Your Data Analytics Blueprint: The Fundamentals of Data Collection, Integrity, Governance and Monitoring

Mihnea RotariuDirector, Ethics & Compliance Monitoring, Assessments and AuditsBaxter

Joe KaczorowskiSenior Vice President - Risk, Analytics, Technology and InnovationMastercard
Whether you are just getting started, or already off and running with your data analytics program, attendees of this primer will walk away with an understanding and clarification on the critical components of a data analytics program in alignment with DOJ guidance. Topics of discussion will include:
- Making the decision of whether to build your own program in-house or buy an external product/solution
- Developing your risk profile
- Developing an understanding of the current state of affairs of your company: Finding out what risks already exist; and documenting the key company processes, systems, and transactions that need to be monitored
- Accessing and capturing clean, high-value data across multiple data sources and competing systems
- Analyzing the data being captured accurately vs. inaccurately; what data is important; what data should be kept and what should be discarded
- Identifying data sources and deciding how to aggregate the data, ensuring good input and output, and deciphering data integrity
- Evaluating the internal and third-party data analytics tools that are available, and deciding which data feeds your organization can leverage
- Ensuring your data feeds and monitoring tools are coming in and working in real time
- Developing processes for utilizing risk scoring, assessing red flag reports, and determining what warrants internal investigations and further action
- Documenting follow-up and remedial actions within a dashboard platform
- Identifying impediments that limit access to relevant sources of data and understanding how to address them
Fireside Chat and Q&A with the DOJ: The Latest Agency Expectations for Data Driven Compliance and Monitoring Programs

Matt GalvinCounsel, Compliance & Data AnalyticsU.S. Department of Justice

Fiona MoranPartnerDavis Polk & Wardwell LLP
In this opening session, gain critical insights on how companies should be implementing and utilizing data analytics to satisfy DOJ requirements and expectations.
Networking Break
Data Analytics Journeys – Part 1
Launching, Scaling and Adapting a Data Analytics Program: Companies Share What it Took to Implement an Effective Program from Start to Finish

Hyojin Helena SongDirector of Analytics, Compliance & EthicsMicrosoft

Roberta PaoloniVice President, Ethics and ComplianceAlbemarle
Hear two companies’ first-hand journeys of building a successful data analytics program, including:
- Where the company started, how the program was scaled and how it evolved
- The decisions they made from beginning to end, and the considerations that went into their decision-making
- How they aligned their data analytics program with DOJ guidance
- How they secured the buy-in for resources from company leadership
- Where things could have gone wrong and how they navigated those landmines

Bryan JudiceVice President of Client SolutionsKona AI

Karen SgoutasSenior Director, Compliance Analytics & SystemsStryker

Omid UskowiSenior Director & Associate General Counsel, Head of Legal Audits, Compliance Analytics & Compliance InvestigationsProcter & Gamble
- Utilizing long-term data analytics to create a direct and accessible channel into your company’s transactional data
- Leveraging data analytics to monitor transactions over a continuous period of time, and flagging areas susceptible to fraud and corruption
- Concrete examples of using metrics and KPIs to evaluate risk detection and compliance red flags
- Which algorithms to use, who should review the data and how to review the data
- Determining which compliance metrics to measure, and comparing them to industry standards and benchmarks for improved predictability
- Assembling qualitative data-gathering tools—such as surveys and questionnaires—to encourage adaptability and accountability
- Leveraging data analytics to evaluate newly acquired entities, including rapid, targeted analyses of any problematic transactions, third parties or conflicts of interest
Data-Driven Compliance in Action: Leveraging an End-to-End Intuitive Monitoring Platform to Identify Regulatory and Compliance Risk Signals
Networking Luncheon
Strengthening Your Data Analytics Program Using Takeaways from a Recent Enforcement Action: Lessons from the ABB Case

Thomas LarsenHead of Integrity AnalyticsABB

Sidney BashagoPartnerDavis Polk & Wardwell LLP
In this session, we will closely examine a recent enforcement action in which the DOJ specifically noted the company’s use of data analytics or the incorporation of data analytics into their compliance regimes — ABB. Tune in as ABB’s Head of Integrity Analytics provides a practical look at the case and shared key takeaways, including:
- How the companies’ data analytics programs played a role in their resolution and remediation
- The specific components of their data analytics programs that DOJ was most focused on
- Insights on what can help to earn credit and/or penalty reductions
- Lessons for communicating your data analytics “story” to enforcement authorities
Spotlight on AI and ML
The Latest Best Practices for Leveraging AI, ML and Predictive Analytics for FCPA Investigations and Compliance

Tara PaleshSenior Director, Compliance Analytics CoE LeadPfizer

Andy MillerChief Analytics OfficerLextegrity
- Understanding the latest ways that companies can use AI, ML and predictive analytics to inform, supplement and enhance their own internal compliance program
- Examining specific use cases for AI/ML in monitoring data, predicting behavior and finding corruption
- How to implement AI/ML for use in investigations and third-party transaction testing
- AI User Stories and Breakthroughs: Real life examples of how companies and financial institutions are successfully integrating AI into their businesses, due diligence and compliance operations
Networking Break
Data Analytics Journeys – Part 2
Data Analytics Programs Gone Wrong: First-Hand Accounts of Program Failures and Critical Lessons on What Not to Do

Michael KoenigGlobal Chief Ethics and Compliance OfficerJBS

Keith ThomasLead Counsel, Corporate Integrity & ComplianceFedEx Corporation
Tune in for this panel as speakers share examples of unsuccessful attempts to implement data analytics programs. Hear about critical mistakes that were made in the early, middle and end-stages of the programs’ designs and rollouts — and walk away with a full understanding of what not to do when implementing a program.
Data Analytics Town Hall: More Real-Life Takeaways to Bring Back to Your Desk and Open Q+A

Keith ThomasLead Counsel, Corporate Integrity & ComplianceFedEx Corporation

Zachary OppermanDirector, Operational RiskCapital One

Aditya S. YerramilliSenior Manager - Risk, Compliance & GovernanceGoogle
In our concluding session, our expert panelists will share what they have found to be the biggest data analytics program pain points, and how they have gone about tackling and overcoming them. They will provide answers to questions, including:
- How do you ensure the continued effectiveness of the analytics program?
- What are the costs and resources needed for ongoing maintenance, and how can you accurately measure and relay the ROI of using data analytics for compliance purposes?
- How can you best train and support your team to effectively use, leverage and report on data analytics?
- How do you integrate analytics into the broader compliance framework?
Finally, join an invaluable opportunity for open Q&A and ask our expert panelists your most pressing questions. Attendees can also submit questions anonymously in advance via email to [email protected].