Master the essentials of key pricing and rebate concepts and methodologies, including IRA reforms and Proposed Revisions to the MDRP.
Welcome to American Conference Institute’s (ACI’s) Passport to Proficiency on Rx Drug Pricing and Rebate Fundamentals. We have designed this course to make you proficient in essential pricing and rebate concepts under Medicaid, Medicare, and other related government payor programs, including those under the auspices of PHS 340B, the VA, and DoD.
We will provide a complete course of study for foundational elements, as well as a strategy guide for tackling complex challenges that will benefit the industry novice and the veteran.
Let us help you master the fundamentals and prepare for the complexities.
Course Calendar
Week 1
November 4 & 6
Drug Pricing and Rebate Essentials and Introduction to Medicaid
Week 2
November 12 & 13
PHS 340B
VA and DOD Rx Pricing and Rebates
*this week will be on Tuesday and Wednesday to observe Veterans Day
Week 3
November 18 & 20
Medicare Pricing and Rebate Essentials
Advanced CMS Pricing and Rebate Topics
Week 4
December 2 & 4
Pricing and Reimbursement for New Products and Therapies
Real-Life Benefits of Attending
UNDERSTAND how price is established and how the rebate system works
DEFINE key pricing terms under Medicaid, Medicare, PHS 340 and other key government payor programs
MAKE sense of complex pricing and rebate calculations that go beyond the essentials
EXAMINE the latest developments impacting government drug pricing and rebate programs, from reforms instituted under the IRA to CMS’s newly Proposed Rule which would significantly amend the MDRP
COMPREHEND pricing strategies and key considerations for new products and therapies
Who Should Attend
- Attorneys with practice areas in:
- Government Contracts and Managed Markets
- Pharmaceuticals
- Healthcare
- Food & Drug
- Corporate Counsel/General Counsel
- Vice Presidents, Officers, Directors and Managers for:
- Pricing
- Business Development
- Financial Analysts
- Corporate Counsel/General Counsel
- Vice Presidents, Officers, Directors and Managers for:
- Pricing, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Analytics
- Contracts and Reimbursement
- Managed Markets
- Managed Care
- Government Programs
- Medicaid/Medicare Rebates
- Finance/Accounting/Audit
- Government Affairs
- Compliance Officers
- Corporate Counsel/General Counsel
- Vice Presidents, Officers, Directors and Managers for:
- Contract Management
- Network Pharmacy
- Retail Pharmacy Operations
- Government Programs
- Pricing and Operations
- Clinical Operations
- Industry Relations
- Corporate Counsel/General Counsel
- Vice Presidents, Officers, Directors and Managers for:
- Pharmacy Networks
- Pharmaceutical Contracting
- Clinical
- Pharmacy Services
Earn CPE Credits
American Conference Institute is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors.
Boards of Accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
Learn more“Excellent and very capable list of speakers. Not always this good and comprehensive at other programs.”
“All encompassing overview of government program and current issues.”
Sponsor Opportunities
With conferences in the United States, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Latin America, the C5 Group of Companies: American Conference Institute, the Canadian Institute, and C5 Group, provides a diverse portfolio of conferences, events and roundtables devoted to providing business intelligence to senior decision makers responding to challenges around the world.

For more information please contact:
Lanny Morris, Senior Business Development Manager
Email: [email protected]