This conference is the nation’s premier obstetric malpractice conference for healthcare professionals, plaintiffs’ and defense attorneys, insurance professionals, and hospital risk managers. The program has earned a reputation as themust-attend obstetric malpractice claims and litigation event of the year. That’s because of the outstanding speaker faculty and high-level attendees it attracts year after year. And this year’s conference promises to be our best yet. Our faculty of medical and legal experts from around the nation will provide you with the information and strategies that are essential to achieve the best outcomes for your clients Doctors, nurses and hospital risk/quality assurance managers attend to benchmark their current practices and procedures and develop a deeper understanding of the current state of obstetric malpractice litigation. Insurance professionals join us in order to obtain valuable insights and strategies for assessing professional negligence claims and to better understand litigation strategies and hospital risk management techniques. Don’t be left of the list of “who’s who” in the industry – sign up now!