We operate in a world where connectivity has become the hallmark of communications. Partnerships have become richer and deeper, spanning direct contact to digital media and beyond through community-led social media.

Partnering with the C5 Group is fully integrated, allowing interaction and influence across a whole suite of communication opportunities. We offer a collaborative experience, rich and deep for both partner and audience.

We forge strong alliances with newspapers, trade publications, associations and online journals through a mutually beneficial exchange of insights and intelligence. Media partnering with the C5 Group helps cultivate engagement, grow membership, promote thought leadership and increase revenue.

As a partner, you will receive maximum visibility during the promotional and onsite phases of an event, be that a conference, exhibition or educational program. But our partnering program is about much more than simple visibility. The C5 group provides the opportunity for businesses and individuals to grow and succeed by connecting the power of information with the power of people. As a media partner, you are part of this dynamic equation.

Partner Statistics

With conferences based on comprehensive research conducted amongst influencers and key industry players, we deliver unbiased new trends and original intelligence. Our events always feature a guaranteed high percentage of senior executives and decision makers, and more senior industry specialists speak at our events than at any other conference. Delegates, speakers and partners alike make vital and lasting connections through our networking and interaction sessions.

Beyond an outline framework of opportunities, our media partner programs are completely bespoke. They are partnerships founded on achieving strategic goals, be that:

  • Increase Brand Awareness
  • Increase Brand Loyalty and Engagement
  • Grow Customer Base
  • Enhance Leadership
  • Showcase Services

We build clear lines of communication between our event producers, conference delegates and speakers to devise a partnership strategy that is truly rich and deep. Become part of our mission to foster business success and growth by creating a collaboration based on true connectivity. Be in the room.

Please Contact

Evelyn Papadopoulos
Vice President, Global Marketing

1-877-927-7936 ext. 7201
[email protected]

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