With less than one month until the products liability defense event of the year, the American Conference Institute (ACI) proudly announces the nominees for its 1st Annual Champions of the Products Liability Defense Bar Award, created to recognize and celebrate the successes and achievements of leaders in the pharmaceutical and medical device products liability legal community. Due to overwhelming response from the community and a tie among highly qualified candidates, we have six finalists for the award:
Nominee #1 Mary-Alice Barrett, Associate Director, Assistant General Counsel, Genentech (Little Falls, NJ) Nominee #2 James A. Garrett, Vice President, Associate General Counsel, Litigation, NuVasive, Inc. (San Diego, CA) Nominee #3 Charna Gerstenhaber, Vice President & Head of Litigation, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation (East Hanover, NJ) Nominee #4 Christopher D. Liwski, Senior Corporate Counsel, NA Litigation & Investigations, Sanofi US (Bridgewater, NJ) Nominee #5 Elpidio “PD” Villarreal, Senior Vice President – Global Litigation, GlaxoSmithKline (Philadelphia, PA) Nominee #6 Andrew C. White, Senior Counsel, Litigation, Johnson & Johnson (New Brunswick, NJ) We encourage you to cast one vote for the winner between Monday, November 9 and Friday, November 13, 2015 at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3PRY7WW. The award will be given out during the 20th Annual Drug and Med conference on December 3, 2015 in New York. More information about this event, including a full agenda, faculty list, brochure, and info about each nominee can be accessed at www.drugandmed.com. # # # A unique organization, American Conference Institute is devoted to providing the business intelligence that senior decision-makers need to respond to challenges both here in the US, and around the world. Staffed by industry specialists, lawyers and other professionals, American Conference Institute operates as a think tank, monitoring trends and developments in all major industry sectors, the law, and public policy, with a view to providing information on the leading edge. Headquartered in New York and led by Leigh Gilmore, Senior Vice President, and Seth Kerker, Managing Director, American Conference Institute has grown to produce more than 220 events each year, attended by thousands of senior delegates from across the country.