Anti-Corruption / FCPA LinkedIn Talk: Anti-Corruption Strategies

In order to enhance the experience of our ACI Anti-Corruption /FCPA: Legal, Regulatory and Compliance group members we are encouraging  discussions on various anti-corruption topics. Our first discussion sparked a few but very interesting comments.  Here is what our group members said when asked – In what ways have you learned anti-corruption strategies from other companies (e.g. benchmarking)?


Share your experience: In what ways have you learned anti-corruption strategies from other companies (e.g. benchmarking)? 


“I would be happy to share my own experience from the field of international sales if that benefits the anti-corruption community at ACI. Here are some recent thoughts which I shared at a recent Symposium on compliance.”  

                                                                 – Richard Bistrong


“Be transparent and honest both in intention and action”  khirod Bishwal  


“Learned a lot by working in the field, from collaborating with the law enforcement/ proactive SME/grass root activists combined with the corporate framework and experience. But leadership is key. Recognized framework comes second. Availability of pro bono contributors – third. Lastly, help from companies.”      – Anatoly Yakorev


“I am not sure my answer will be that helpful but I will give it a shot. Most of our focus in the last year has been to turn our attention inward more than outward to understand our risks and how well we mitigate them. With that said, we have been influenced from other companies but not in the way you may think. Our folks pull and share case studies and recent press released as well as formal case papers developed by the Government on companies with escapes.

We then look at our processes and exposure (countries, products, etc.) to see if those situation exist with our international partners. In other words we try and learn from the mistakes of others.”  –  John Griffin, MBA 

Feel free to participate and share your experience with your peers here.