Grace Ai
Senior Manager, North Asia trade Compliance
Tyco Corporation (Beijing)
Tell us about yourself:
I am a typical Beijingnese, born in Beijing, educated and raised in Beijing and I do like Beijing – my hometown very much. I enjoy swimming, Yoga and jogging. Those sports are not that demanding and I can just follow my own pace without running the risk of hurting myself.
Tell us what a day is like in your field:
A typical day would be getting a call from one of our business units in the morning asking for support and guidance on a classification dispute. At the same time, I am thinking or drafting an email to some businesses to try to break through and get some new trade compliance program/initiatives done by the businesses.
Tell us what you like about working at your company:
I like working in my company because this is a very diversified environment and I could possibly touch all aspects of trade compliance: classification, valuation, export control etc… The company I am currently working for also covers normal trade and processing trade, special economic zone operation, those could give me better exposure to a wider spectrum of trade compliance.
Tell us what you would change in the industry:
I made trade compliance in my company much better valued and recognized by both senior executives as well as operational staff, promoting trade compliance to a higher level as a pillar to support the enterprise long-term prosperity.
Give us one tip/best practice:
To make us and the trade compliance function be indispensable to the company, we must be the content experts, strong advocator and business enabler to the company.
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