Workshop B — Navigating the Complex World of ESG Ratings and Rankings

Oct 10, 2023 1:30pm – 05:00 PM

Jessica Butts
ESG Global Advisors, Inc.

Boris Couteaux
Chief Strategy Office, Head of Indices
impak Analytics

Workshops are offered In-Person only

There currently exists a lack of global uniform reporting standards for ESG. This lack of standards across multiple sectors has led ESG ratings providers to adopt varying methodologies, creating a number of complex challenges organizations. During this deep-dive workshop, we will discuss the complex landscape of ESG ratings and rankings. We will explore:

  • Navigating varying ESG standards – ESG’s Alphabet soup
  • Addressing disparities and ambiguity in current ESG ratings and rankings
  • Creating a path toward more rigorous and coherent methods for ratings and rankings
  • Customizing organizational ESG indices to align with your investor values
  • Embedding standardized ratings and rankings into ESG strategy