3 Blog posts

Recalls: How They are Impacting Class Actions; Litigation Strategy to Defeat Class Claims; Recall-Based Rule 23 Arguments; Mootness; and More

Complimentary Presentation from ACI’s 7th Annual Summit on Defending & Managing Automotive Product Liability Litigation Download the other 12 presentations available for this conference.   Presentation highlights: – Common Law and Regulatory Environment – Administrative Recalls – Post-Sale Duty to Warn – Duty to Recall or Retrofit – Court-Ordered Recalls – Admissibility of Recall Evidence – Relevance – Rule 402   ACI’s blog…

June Conference Materials are Now Available!

 June was a productive month for ACI’s conference attendees. At our events, decision makers had the chance to acquire top notch industry information; ranging from the latest trends, developments, hottest litigation cases to key insights from leading experts and more. You now have the opportunity to remain ahead of the curve too by accessing conference materials.…

Conference Proceedings

American Conference Institute (ACI) produces 140+ quality conferences annually, featuring unique presentations from the brightest and most experienced practitioners in their fields.  While there’s no substitute for being there, if you’re unable to attend any of our conferences, it is now possible for you to ensure that you don’t miss out on the vital knowledge…